A couple of years ago I was browsing the web and I stumbled upon this blog post by The Nailphile on the original Dorothy Who?. This is the first polish I fell in love with and it was the beginning of my love affair with nailpolish and nails. I spent the next few days reading her entire blog and when I was done I followed links to other blogs and did the same there.
You can imagine how happy I was when China Glaze announced they would bring the Wizard of Ooh Ahz Collection back! Finally I would have the chance to own this beauty myself! As soon as it came out I bought Dorothy Who? but when I saw it in person I was dissapointed. This looked nothing like the original and frankly, I think the new version is just plain ugly. It's too light and too silvery and kind of cheap-looking.
Another polish I was disappointed in was Metallic Blue by Esprit. It has an indigo base with turquoise and magenta microglitter and looks gorgeous in the bottle but on the nail the glitter won't show up as much as I would like. I bought this to kill the lemming I had for a darker blue glitter polish like Essie's Starry Starry Night but was not satisfied.
So I did the only reasonable thing to do: I frankened them!
I'm calling it Dorothy's Journey To The Stars.
It looks nothing like the original Dorothy Who? and nothing like Essie's Starry Starry Night but I love it! The different colored microglitters from Metallic Blue give it so much depth!
Unfortunately the sun wouldn't come out and play...
The recipe is fairly simple. I had about half a bottle of Dorothy Who? left after using if for other frankens and the Esprit polish was a 5ml mini so I just added that one to Dorothy Who? a couple of drops at a time until I was satisfied with the color which turned out to be when the entire bottle of Esprit was empty.
I think this franken needs a bit of clear polish to make a a tad more jelly and bring the glitter out more, but the bottle is full so that will have to wait until I've worn it a couple of times.
Thanks for looking!
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